Give yourself the love that you need - Our Story
- My mission By Shani -

We have created Chandra Chakra to offer women hight quality Tantric yoni eggs and especially eggs ready to work with you at the energetic level.
The eggs have been in contact with the families who carve them and then only with me or our stone keeper. No one else has been able to touch them, or even look at them. The eggs took their moon bath and were purified with sacred plants during their welcome ceremony. I then put them in their little protective bag that blocks outside energy. This way the eggs are ready to connect with you and start working on an energetic level without being contaminated by the energy of a store or a warehouse!
I traveled the world with the primary mission of finding families who would carve my eggs. This has been a great mission in my life and today my dream is finally realized, I can offer you a yoni egg for each chakra.
My dream does not end here.
Chandra Chakra is also a platform where you can find the information you need to choose your eggs, how to use them, how to do your ceremonies. In my trainings you will learn about the Pranic body (the energy body). Together we study the chakras and what has to do with classical Tantra. I give weekly practice classes in English and French. Every week a different class.
We are a community of women who share a common goal of self-love and liberation.
How to integrate this ideal self? That dream woman who always have a slight smile on her face, who is stable, happy and free. This is my real mission.
The tantric yoni egg and the tantric practices are simple tools that lead you to the unconditional love of the self. A holy spirit in a holy body. to be happy you must be healthy.
I have been practicing naturopathy for 14 years.
For me it is essential to take care of one's health. We must love our physical and energetic body.
I teach yoga and specialize in posture alignment and tantric yoga. Health is holistic. We must take care of our physical, energetic, emotional and mental bodies. Chandra Chakra's services cover all these levels.
This was the dream...